Wednesday 3 September 2008

'Amy Winehouse May Be Brain Damaged After Drug Overdoses'

...more Amy Winehouse �

Amy Winehouse may have brain damage from her excessive use of cannabis and crystal meth, it emerged last night.

Her first o.d., in August of last year, was allegedly from a concoction of cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, ketamine and crystal shabu and her second, in July of this year, was a 36 hour pot bout, it's claimed.

The soul isaac M. Singer was aforesaid to have suffered hallucinations and fits after using cannabis, which dad Mitch Winehouse had said, �was a defective reaction to her medication.�

The drug has strong links with dementia praecox, and medics are implicated that Amy�s brain may be damaged.

The Sun reports a friend as locution: �Mitch does everything he can to protect his daughter - but his �explanation� for Amy�s hospital dash in July was just simply untrue.

�She had smoke-cured an cold-blooded amount of hash which resulted in acute marijuana poisoning. You have to take a s***load of pot to suffer that severe a reaction.

�It�s opinion she had been smoking it for 36 hours.

�Amy�s fits were as bad as the convulsions she had during her overdose in August last year. No one has mentioned her meth use before � but that stuff is truly nasty.

�She is in need of years of psychiatry and medical treatment if she has a hope.�

Amy is facing legal action afterward cancelling headlining in Paris. She is scheduled to play Isle of Wight�s Bestival this Saturday.